
Research Paper

Female Discrimination in Education

Many people today, don’t feel that discrimination will be a problem for them as they graduate from college and enter the real world of work. Many assume that discrimination is a thing of the past and it will be something that they will not have to endure. They could not be more wrong. Discrimination is still a very big part of why women are receiving lower wages than men and slow advancement within their fields of work, especially academia, medicine, and law. People may not see this as discrimination and see it as “this is how it is supposed to be”. Men are just naturally more successful and intellectual than women. This is what we call a gender schema. A gender schema is how you perceive someone based on their gender. Gender is the sole factor that hinders potentially successful women from breaking that “glass ceiling”.

Before I conducted my research, I, along with many, assumed that while discrimination may exist, no matter how subtle, it really wasn’t a big issue, and I as a female entering the male dominated field of science, would have no problem rising to the top and shattering this so called glass ceiling. The more I read articles and interviewed experts in this matter, I realized that discrimination is so powerful that it actually causes many women to leave male dominated fields. According to Virginia Valian, many young women enter the fields of science, math, medicine, engineering, and law, thinking that they will not have to face such discrimination, but end up leaving those fields for something more “feminine” if you will, because they are simply not accepted and criticized for their work. In such a futuristic society, I find in very interesting that we still accept men as the generic human being, and assume they are the only ones who deserve to be successful. In further researched conducted by Valian, she showed graphs depicted the difference of wages between men and women in the same fields post PhD, as well as the percentage of men and women in that particular field PhD. While men and women usually start out at the same salary 1-5 years post PhD, there is a drastic increase between the pay for men and women 6-10 years post PhD. It also showed the percentages of men and women in the same fields. One example was of men and women as assistant professors, associate professors, and full professors. The graphs showed that men’s rates of advancement were much more than that of women. Most women did not become associate or full professors anywhere from 6-29 years post PhD, whereas men would be promoted between 6-15 years post PhD. These graphs were similar to graphs depicting the same information in law and medicine.

Why is it that there are different rates of advancement for men and women even though their work is the same? And/or the women could be dominant intellectually? Our society today overvalues and overrates men’s work, while they undervalue and underrate women’s work. It’s not as simple as promoting the person who does better than the other, it’s a matter or promoting the individual whom society has deemed as the most likely to succeed, and that too often is the male. This is where gender schemas come into play and is exactly why gender causes a hindrance of the advancement of females in the work place.

There are many excuses made against why women experience discrimination. One is that women can’t focus just on their career because they have children at home and those children take away from their focus at work. So why is it that woman who don’t have children aren’t advancing either. Non-legitimate argument. Others claim that women do not advance because they refuse to do things that need to be done in order to advance. For example, if traveling is required to complete a job or advance that that is what needs to be done, obviously. However, in most cases the women who want to travel are not allowed to and a man is brought in to replace them with the claim that they refused to travel. It is very confusing and backwards and not fair towards women.

However there are exceptions to this rule or men being the dominant human being. For example take Madame Marie Curie, the founder of radium and plutonium. Or Amelia Earhart. These were women who went against societies standards of how a lady should act and what a lady should do and they showed men that they were just as capable of achieving success in male dominated fields. A very famous study conducted at MIT, by an organized group of female professors, shows that if women can come together for a common purpose things can change. In this study the 22 female professors, which was the total number of all female professors in the six departments of the school, compared to that of 252 men for those same six departments, became dissatisfied and conducted a poll among those female professors. These professors came together and addressed the problems they were currently facing. They decided to write a letter to the dean, and this is how it started.

“This proposal has been developed by the tenured women faculty in the School of Science. It speaks to our serious concerns about the small number of women professors at MIT, and about the status and treatment of the women who are here. We believe that unequal treatment of women faculty impairs their ability to perform as educators, leaders in research, and models for women students…”

The letter went on to outline the discrepancies the women had with the current situation at MIT. After doing quick research the dean realized that this was a serious issue and quickly made accommodations for those women. This study shows that even though women can be and are treated as subordinate it is not impossible for them to come together with a common goal and bring about change.

Gender schemas take place not only in the work force but also in the household. Because women are seen as subordinate, males feel that women need to cater to them. In the article Maid to Order by Barbara Ehrenreich women on average did 26.7 hours of house work per week, compared to 9.7 hours oh housework their male counterparts had done. Is this fair? Are women only good for housework because of our “nimble fingers”? Are we not capable of doing other things, and that said are we supposed to take the brunt of the work and let men get away with not helping out? According to author Pat Mainardi author men say one thing and quite often mean another. For example if your spouse were to say “We have different standards, and why should I have to work to your standards? That’s unfair.” Translation: You might as well do all the housework yourself since I will just complain or do a poor job and you’ll just end up doing it yourself anyways. Another common example, “I hate it more than you. You don’t mind it so much.” It’s degrading for someone of my intelligence to do such crap work, but for you it’s no big deal. When did this happen? When did women all of a sudden be expected to do everything in the household? Our friends, family, and neighbors expect us women to take care of the household responsibilities which is completely unfair. After leaving your house, which at the time was a sty, you wouldn’t hear them say HE is a lousy housekeeper, no it falls on the women.

Women are expected to do so much without any rewards. They get lower salaries and their advancement rates are much lower than that of men. We are expected to go to work, take care of the cooking and cleaning at home, as well as the kids if there are any. And to top it all off we are expected to do it without any help, blindfolded, running backwards in high heels. Why is there no pressure placed on men? Being the generic human being, men want to make sure it stays that way and so their masculinity isn’t threatened. Our patriarchical system should be changed to the extent that not only makes women and men equal, but offers them the same opportunities on all levels as men.


Survey Results

This is a graph depicting which sex students were most comfortable with. Surprisingly most students were more comfortable with women. However, I don't think that all results represent students views on this because not many students did take my survey. From the results I did receive I was generally surprised because I may have went into this assignment a little biased assuming that most people discriminate against women, and favor men, maybe because I am a female.


This is the book I read from for class. During our interview Professor Bergeron gave me a couple of articles to read from this book that are about discrimination and would help with the research for my paper.

This is the classroom where Professor Bergeron holds her Women and Genders Studies classes.

This is Suzanne Bergeron. She is my Woman and Genders Studies Professor.


I think that Second life is different from other virtual worlds because one it is more realistic. Most virtual worlds are not realistic but some are. Yes it makes second life more lifelike because it is realistic. You perform activities that are done in daily life. I think that it has less possibility space because it is so realistic and life like. In video games its more or less made up, some is real, but you have more of an opportunity to broaden your horizons or expand the game through creativity.


This post is to inform of what changes I made to my articles assignment paper. The first thing that I did to make changes were to add the citations, or references from my research into my paper. I found appropriate sentences to add these citations to, information that I derived from my articles. No one had made any changes on the paper I had posted to my blog so noticing this, I myself edited it was well as having my boyfriend and friend edit it for me. I made the changes they suggested such as grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, as well as hard to read sentences or run on sentences that did not make sense. I also fixed the parts where my friends felt that I was being redundant. I also went over and tried to spruce up my vocabulary using more active words as opposed to "dead" words such as very,and so on. The only hard part about not having anyone from class edit this paper was that I know that my friends and myself even weren't as hard on my as I would have liked. I hope that next time around I can maybe be more prepared and have more people edit my paper so it can be as perfect as it possibly can be.


Click Here to take survey
For this assignment I chose to write about something that pertained to my major, which is secondary science education. I wanted to see whether or not female educators are discriminated against for the type of teaching they do (such as science or English) and if they are discriminated against by their male students. I also wanted to see if both female and male teachers discriminated against their students by favoring those of the opposite sex. Before reading my articles I made a hypothesis, if you will, that female teachers are less likely to be discriminated against by male or female students than male teachers. The reason I thought this was because in my personal experience female teachers are more understanding and patient. Now that isn’t to say that all female teachers are like this, or that all men are just the opposite, implying that they are not understanding and do not have compassion, because more often than not I believe that they do. I also thought that men are more likely to discriminate against their female students by favoring their male counterparts. The last part of my hypothesis is that females will be discriminated against for what types of classes they teach. I think that many people, not just students, associate certain classes such as science and math with men and authority. And that classes such as English are for women. Therefore I think that not only women but men as well will be discriminated against for the type of class they teach.
After finding several articles on discrimination against teachers I was really surprised by my findings. I found three things that are really important to what I was looking for. First I found that more often than not female teachers are discriminated against by both female and male students. Second, the readings stated that female teachers are more likely to favor female students as well as male teachers favoring the male students. And lastly I found that female teachers are not discriminated against in general for what type of class they teach.
It surprised me to know that female students were more likely to favor their male teachers as opposed to someone of the same sex. In the readings it did state that students who could connect better with a role model of the same sex had better grades than those who felt no connection with their teacher, or had a teacher of the opposite sex. As proof the articles stated that even though females perform better academically overall male students were more likely to receive better grades when with a male teacher. However it went on to say that many female students perform worse in classes with female teachers because they are less likely to ask questions and they simply did not feel as comfortable with the female teacher as they did with the male teachers.
It did not surprise me however that both female and male teachers favored their students of the same sex. I think it works both ways with the connection between student and teacher I talked about in the previous paragraph. If a male teacher has more boy students than girls I’ve personally noticed that they seem to be more laid back and not as strict as if it were an all female class. The same holds true for female teachers with female students. I found this conclusion almost contradictory. Why is it that even though female teachers favor their female students, those female students feel more comfortable with male teachers?
The last thing I found in my research that proves beneficial was that women educators were not discriminated against for the type of class they teach. In fact, in my research, it stated that when women taught science more students actually looked forward to it. The articles, unfortunately, didn’t make any reference to whether or not male teachers have this affect on their students.
In conclusion, my hypothesis was proven false. Female teachers are more likely to be discriminated against by both male and female students. However, I was correct in stating that men would favor boy students, but this is true for female teachers as well. And lastly both male and female teachers were not discriminated against for the type of class they taught. Today I don’t think gender discrimination in education is as big a deal as it was in the past. Even though things are not equal between men and women, we are definitely headed in the right direction.



Link to my survey on surveymonkey.com....Comp 106


DAY whenever...

Hey it's been a while but that's the life of a college student for you...you're busy. I've been working on homework all weekend long and plus I've bee having problems with my computer...yikes!!! Thank goodness I live pretty close to a library...I guess really nothing new here with me in my life just same old same old...When I have more time I'll try to write more, until then...



Digitally composing changes so many things for the writer. First of all it's so much faster and easier to just let your fingers glide over the keys. Easier to correct mistakes. You have spell check for the spelling challenged!!! There are many other tools that also make it easier to use digital composition.

We can better understand this process by first using digital composition to become more acquainted with the program and secondly and if possible taking classes on different types of digital composition.


Comparing and Contrasting

First I'll start off with the similarties between teh two videos. Each video felt strongly about technology and the importance of the advancement of technology. Each speaker has said how many things are learned faster and connected because of technology; i.e. the internjet. They are both very true, if not for the internet and otehr sources of technology where would we be? For examply in Clay Shirky's speech he had mentioned that because of teh internet and sites such as Twitter, people in China had already posted news about an eathquake befor it even showed up on screens in teh United States that monitor that type of mocement. That's fast! It prabably even saved many lives if you want to think of it on that scale. In the second video Seth Godin also mentions the power of technology, and how it is a place for advertisement adn keeps everyone connected, or that you can connect with anyone you wish to connect with. E-mail helps to keep you connected, and you can learn about new products or breaking news instantly. Linking the two videos: speed. The internet is a fast resource and you can find information and talk to people countries away, all with the click of a button.

Now the differences betweeen the two videos I would have to say is the emphasis on leadership Seth Goding pushed the idea of leadership, that if you just go out and do it you will make a change. Very true. You can't rely on others to complete or start you work or idea for you, it has to come from yourself. Contrasting between this and the first video is taht Clay Shirky talked more about the exchange of ideas from person to person or culture to culture. This can create a change but only when someone modifies or changes the idea. With leadership you have someone who has an idea and creates a movement and gets people to follow him/her. With the help of followers the idea is spread and not exchanges and reaches eveyone in hopefully the way it was inteneded.



What a long day!! I have to wake up early (6am) to take my boyfriend to work which is a half an hour away...his car broke down last week and he hasn't had a chance to get it fixed yet:( too bad for me! Came home and took a little nap before classes, which I think only made me more tired!!! Math was my first class today, not too bad...I stayed awake! Then I had a four hour break until my next class, so I figured I would catch up on my reading assigments that are due tomorrow and just chill. It was extremely nice out, almost too warm but tolerable. Went to biology...yawn...and that's my major...in case I didn't mention it I want to be a high school science teacher! After class had to pick up the man, now I'm at home, waiting for dinner and so ready for bed:0...goodnight



DAY 3-this is getting OLD

Up again way to early for a late night:( Me and my boyfriend got in a fight last night so I was up for a while, THAT is what is getting old...I just want things to be perfect!!! Anyways today on my agenda as a lovely student on this Sunday morning is to relax and make a dent in my reading assignments...ugh...I also decided to post new posts...:p...at night that way you get an ACTUAL feel of what I have REALLY done throughout my amazingly exciting days...hopefully I'll get some cute pics uploaded too!!!...that's all I have for now...




Oh man last night I didn't get home until late and OF COURSE I get up early...ugh:(...this will make for a long day, it doesn't help that I have to work at Family Video-my kinda cool yet sometimes lame part-time job-from 1pm to 11pm, that's TEN hours, I'm not much of a worker, sometimes I can be if it's something I really really like, like waitressing, you make SOO much money!! So that's all for my day, and as many students do I'm pushing all my homework to Sunday (hey it CAN wait)...but I wonder how that will work out my and my boyfriend are scheduled to watch the Lions game at 1...mmm. I have some thinking to do...peace y'all




Ok so I've FINALLY got this blog thing all figured out, not easy for one who is a techno-peasant! Now let's give this whole blogging thing a shot...today I didn't have any classes which was a relief even though I've only had two days of classes so far (I started on Wednesday)...I've spent the day doing homework, lame I know but I am kind of a nerd so I can't help it!!! Besides I had to get my homework done before my boyfriend gets home...he got paid today so maybe we will go out? I'll cross my fingers:) Speaking of my boyfriend that reminds me of relationships, with my girlie friends, I know they have been upset with me lately, I NEVER want to hang out they say and maybe it's true but I've been overwhelmed with getting ready for school, so that will have to be something to work on...well that's all for day one, I'll keep you updated on my oh so exciting life...signing off
